Revisiting Programming Fonts


Ooooh… that Inconsolata is intriguing… I think it has some similarities to FreeMono which is also very nice.

DejaVu Sans Mono and Liberation Mono are my choice.
Liberation Mono works perfect at any size.

Anyone else have any problems with unprintable ascii characters when using consolas on Visual Studio 2008?


The character to split on is the ASCII SOH character (0x01).

When using consolas, the whole line just disappears in the IDE, switch to Courier New, and the line re-appears.

I would use FreeMono in windows but it has some strange points on the top and bottom.

Panic Sans is a repackaged a href= Sans Mono/a.

My Top 5 fonts for programming:

1/ Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
2/ Monaco
3/ Anonymous
4/ Courier New
5/ Consolas

If the license of Consolas is more liberal, it may make no.2 or no.3 on my list :slight_smile:

Wow!! It’s really amazing!!! Cool man…

Prima Sans Mono - a variative to Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, but with modifications. The top 4 fonts for programming are:

1/Prima Sans Mono
2/Segoe Print (a proportional font, but lacks box drawing characters)
4/Monaco Tweaked (a modified version of Monaco)

You alternate between Prima and Vera Sans Mono. Both have details you like a lot. The half-serif lowercase L in Vera Sans Mono is brilliant; but Prima Sans Mono is not; the dotted zero in Vera Sans Mono is much less objectionable than the standard slashed zero; but Prima Sans Mono is not; the curly quotes in Lucida Console are really, really obviously curled; and on and on. Two votes for Courier New, and one for Fixedsys Excelsior.

Fixedsys Excelsior 3.00: unicode font similar to the ASCII fixedsys. Can be modified. The font file name is FSEX300.ttf. Anonymous has a backslashed zero but Courier New, Prima Sans Mono and other console fonts don’t.

Are there any results?

One font wasn’t hinted. Can you add hinting to the fonts???

Consolas: looks good with ClearType.
Inconsolata: doesn’t look good. needs to hint with a program.
Monaco: looks great with ClearType.
Envy R: looks good with ClearType.
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono: looks good with ClearType. a few characters are mapped to notdef.
Prima Sans Mono: looks good with ClearType. a few characters are mapped to notdef.
Pragmata: looks great with ClearType.
Courier New: looks great with ClearType.
Lucida Typewriter/Lucida Console: looks great with ClearType.
Comic Sans MS: looks great with ClearType. can be used for text.
Andale Mono: looks great with ClearType.

You tried to go to that link, but the administrator had deleted the image and got the message. ImageShack deleted incosolatacleartypeey5.png, because it’s unable to access it.

You can find Hell’s Programmer here:

It’s not a Trutype font, but a bitmap font for Mac and Windows. I’m not sure the Mac version of it is recognized by Mac OS X anymore, but I’m pretty sure the Windows version still works.

Bitmap fonts are some of the best for programming in my opinion.

Brought up in the world of UNIX, I’ve always been a big fan of the original misc-fixed fonts from The X Window System. While I adore Dina, I never really liked how wide it was. I want more code to fit on the screen. Hence, the 6x13 version is perfect.

Of those listed, I too prefer Consolas.

Although the good old Courier New typeface has been around for ages, it works. For me personally, it’s easy on the eyes and it’s great that it’s the default font in VC8 (in ‘orcas’, did they change it?)

I gotta go with the proportional crowd here. I moved away from monospaced a few years ago, and I just can’t go back to it now. Currently using Vrinda (either a Vista or Office 2K7 font - not sure which), but when I’m on an XP machine it’s Lucida Sans Unicode.

Everyone who was even remotely surprised by the legion of Mac users insisting that Monaco looks wonderful on the Mac, raise your hand…

I would try Terminus as a font.

I’ve realised that having fewer lines of code on the screen can be a good thing. It unconsciously forces you to make your methods shorter.

Anyway. I’m a BitStream Vera Mono guy, it’s so well done that sometimes I forget it’s a monospaced font, but I like the look of Consolas a lot. Also I saw my workmates using Delphi in Twilight and thought they were crazy. Then I started to notice a bit of eyestrain so I tried it for a while and loved it. I don’t know why VS2005 Express doesn’t have themes. I tried setting it to white on black, but it is a lot of hard work to change all the settings.

I am starting to wonder if I am just a real odd ball.

I am a huge fan of Arial size 10 on a nice black background.

I do have to say I do like the Consolas font so I might try it out. As long as it looks clean and works with my background then I can always work with it.

I believe I have discovered the ultimate ProFont rendering.

The sad part is that I can’t reproduce it when I have console access to the machine.

I installed the ProFontWindows “tweaked” TrueType edition on my Vista machine at home.

Sometime later in the day, I did a Remote Desktop connection to my work machine, where I have ProFontWindows (the .FON version) installed.

Lo and behold, it rendered as in the image above, instead of the expected bitmap form of ProFont, which is odd, since the remote desktop has only the bitmap version (.FON) installed, not TrueType.

It’s as if the local version of the font is being rendered (better) by the remote side?

Try as I might, I cannot get it to render exactly like that on my Vista machine though - I tried disabling ClearType, disabling any type of font smoothing whatsoever, but no go. And when I go to work, with physical access to the machine, it doesn’t render like that either.

This is what it renders like currently on Vista:

More compressed and compact, you’ll notice. Changing the point sizes doesn’t reproduce the desired rendering.

Any suggestions on how to get it to render like the first screen cap?
