Code Complete 2: The Revenge

Reading through this blog, I was just reminded that Code Complete 2* was released. Since this book is the first entry on my prioritized list of Recommended Reading for Developers, and Steve is the patron saint of this web site, you better believe I just placed an order for it! Also, if you don't own the first five books on that reading list, shame on you, and get your ass over to Amazon immediately. If I was rich enough to buy a copy of those books for every developer on earth, I would.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original blog entry at:

Read a 1998 interview with Steve about the first edition of Code Complete:

  • I have a running joke that every sequel should always be subtitled The Revenge for dramatic effect, hollywood style. You know, like Bridges of Madison County 2: The Revenge

revenge of the nerds ii: nerds in paradise: the revenge

hmm, doesn’t seem quite right… :slight_smile:

Maybe you’re not that rich so you can buy a book for every developer in the world, but I wonder if you’re kind enough to greet a Brazilian one with a copy of The Mythical Man-Month… ;o)

My first coding hero was also Michael Abrash and PSi of future crew.
Then all the others that you’ve mentioned and I would have to add at least Whil Hentzen for his Software Developer’s Guide.

Maybe you’re not that rich so you can buy a book for every developer in the world, but I wonder if you’re kind enough to greet a Brazilian one with a copy of The Mythical Man-Month.

Maybe you’re not that rich so you can buy a book for every developer in the world, but I wonder if you’re kind enough to greet a Brazilian one with a copy of The Mythical Man-Month…

Oh noes, spam!

I’m buying the first two books, it better be good Jeff or else! xD

Right now I just do freelance user interface design and web development, but I want to be an in-house developer later so I’m sure it’ll be a nice read.

NVM, more like 3 or 4 books actually. I do have Don’t make me think already, however.

I am currently reading this book and understand it well but I think I won’t remember most of the things after a few months. What would be the recommended way to read such a book ?